Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Very Interesting And Surprising Is Today s Gospel

A very interesting and surprising is today’s Gospel about James and John who are looking for the first places in Jesus’ kingdom. They come to Jesus and ask him to sit at his right and left hands in his glory. One can say that at the first look, it seems that there is nothing wrong with their request; simply those two Apostles want to be close to Jesus now and in the future. It is not, however the case. They left everything behind, their families, probably their friends, and started to follow Jesus and now they want reassurance that they will have a proper place in Jesus’ kingdom. But it is not only about a place near to Jesus what they want, but they claim the power, the authority; those two Apostles are dreaming about government. Of course, we don t read this story from the Gospel to condemn the Apostles but to see that sometimes we act the same way, whatever our position might be. In fact, everyone has different areas in our lives where we want to govern. Whe n we think about that we have to acknowledge that this desire of having power concerns not only our work or job but touches almost all areas of our existence such as money, family, future, desires, sex, decisions, values, fears, wounds and frustrations. It is something within us that pushes us to demand authority. Everyone has this place where he or she wants to govern but what is sad that sometimes this desire is so huge in us that it concerns our relationship with God. We hear in today’s Gospel that the ApostlesShow MoreRelated Anti-Slavery Issue and Childrens Magazines: 1820-1860 Essay examples5201 Words   |  21 PagesAnti-Slavery Issue and Childrens Magazines: 1820-1860   By the 1820’s the issue of slavery in the southern states had become fraught with controversy. It was by no means a clear-cut difference between Northern and Southern states; many Southerners were against it and many Northerners tolerated it, feeling it was a problem that the South must solve. 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